Monthly Archive: March 2012


Joseph’s Coat Fabrics

I am often asked about the specific fabrics that I used for my projects.  Recently, I was asked to name all of the fabrics used in my Joseph’s Coat pillow.  I thought I would...



I am sure that I am not alone in doing less crafting lately and more enjoying the amazing weather!  80 degrees in March just doesn’t happen here in Ohio!  My trees are blooming–pear, weeping...



I have had such fun playing with Pat Bravo’s new Summerlove collection.  This summer-like week was the perfect time to work with these beautiful fabrics.  I moved my sewing machine beside my porch doors...


Organic Elements Quilt

Well, I’ve shared several peeks of my Organic Elements quilt and now it’s time for the big reveal. =)  The tutorial for my quilt is over on Moda Bake Shop today.  This might be...